Does global climate politics anger you?
Do you want to make a difference?
In the Climate Change game KEEP COOL you’re a “global player”. You try to advance your own economic interests: Will you choose the path of renewable energy with photovoltaics and wind energy or do you prefer low cost fossil energy sources? When it’s your turn you decide whether to collaborate in protecting the climate or do what’s best for your own interests.
We love to explain our games…
Keep Cool Coordinator: Nils Marscheider
COP 26 starts in Glasgow

After the resolutions of the G20 meeting in the area of climate protection did not contain any concrete plans, all eyes are now on the international climate negotiations in Glasgow from November 1st to 12th. Hopefully one question will be answered there: How can the international community still manage to limit global warming to 1.5 ° C?
New project with Ecovisio and Greenwave

Keep Cool Online – the first web-version of our game – will be reworked and republished in cooperation with Ecovisio (Moldova) and Greenwave (Ukraine). The game concept is very close to our boardgame. Within this project we will offer a lot of workshops in Moldova, Ukraine and Germany.
The KEEP COOL Family
The Board Game
In a game of KEEP COOL, three to six players represent groups of countries such as Europe, OPEC, or the developing countries. For one to two hours they can choose between “black” and “green” growth, but also adapt to inevitable climate impacts like droughts or floods. Read more…
Order the game from the publisher Spieltrieb.
Keep Cool mobil
In the first mobile multiplayer game about climate politics, young people take control of global metropolises. They decide which path their economies will take, their climate protection strategy and exert influence on an international scale. It will require skilled diplomacy, a sense of responsibility and an engaging communication style to gain that competitive edge and achieve victory. Fun is a must.
Find KEEP COOL Multipliers nearby
Looking for a multiplier for an introdoctury workshop on the KEEP COOL games? Or do you like to get in touch with other KEEP COOL players or activists? On our map you’ll find a people interested in sharing their experiences on climate games.
You would like to be on the map yourself and explain KEEP COOL to others from time to time? We are looking forward to watch our Network on Climate Education grow! Please write us or have a look on our page for multipliers.