Qualification period:
Feb 15th – May 31th, 2019
Finale of best players:
June 15th, 2019
Participating countries (so far):
Germany, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine
Gambling with the Climate
We are in a testing period for the international multilingual version of KEEP COOl mobile.
Up to 50 city mayors try to find a balance between economic growth, climate protection and the wishes of their citizens to win the game. It’s digital and easy to access from many countries.
This allows us to invite everybody to a KEEP COOL Mobile World Cup! Try out the game, help us developing it and join the competition!
Why register and play?
Get to know a new game and improve it with your feedback!
Play with many Keep Cool friends from different parts of the world
and get in touch with them!
Win attractive prizes if you qualify for the finale!
Learn something about climate change!
Next Worldcup-Games
The Rules
How to register, play and qualify?
- Register by clicking on the button above and filling the form.
- Join a qualification game. They will be announced by your country coordinators via email and via facebook in the group “Keep Cool in Eastern Europe”.
- You’ll receive a link before the game with which you can register.
How many points do I get for playing a game?
1st place: 10 points
2nd place: 8 points
3rd place: 6 points
4th place: 5 points
5th place: 4 points
6th place: 3 points
One point to each player (after place 6) in case the game reaches 2100
How many times can I play?
You can play as often as you want!
How is my final score counted?
We’ll take the average of your 5 best games between Feb 15 and May 31 and add 0.2 points for every game you’ve played more that reached 2100.
Example : a hard-working player “Julian MD” participated in 9 qualification games between Feb 15 and May 31. Two of them failed (passed 2 degrees). His scores are: 10-8-5-4-4-3-1-0-0. The average of his 5 best games is: 31 / 5 = 6.2. There were two more games that reached safely 2100, so plus 2*0.2 makes a final sum of 6.6 as final score for “Julian MD”.
How can I start a qualification game?
An official qualification game must be announced in the facebook group at least 3 days before to give others a chance to plan and register. So write an email at least 3 days before the event to KeepCool@ecovisio.org with the information: Day and Time of your game.
You will receive a link and the name of your game – now you can promote it. You can invite anybody (friends, family, neighbours etc.) but you can also use the facebook group and the country coordinator will help you by announcing your event to other registered players. There must be at least 10 players until the end to make it a valid qualification game.
Any other question?
Write us: keepcool@ecovisio.org
Or even better: join the facebook group “Keep Cool in Eastern Europe” and post your question there.
Further information
All data that you provide is only used for handling the world cup and will be deleted afterwards. If you do not opt out, we might publish your mail address so that you can get into contact with other participants. At some point you will be contacted whether you agree that your email address and name will be stored to reach you with information about Keep Cool after the World Cup.